Thursday 13 September 2012

The Woman II

I never said " I Love You" to her, yet there isn't a single sentence I said, that doesn't mean that "I Love You".
Why can't she notice?
How can she be so blind?
She get all the stupid jokes I make and she still can't get this. Really?
And for all the stupid jokes I made, I really turned out to be a joker in the end.

Today morning, I was thinking of telling my sister about the "so called break up" and then right now in the middle of night, I feel like talking to her after a gap of one and half months.
Why do my mind gets so fickle when it comes to her?
Why do my credits lie on such slippery ground?

I feel at times very disappointed when I think about this cloudy situation, I'm into but still there is a reason left to thank God and i.e., "Thanks for creating circumstances that I wasn't able to meet her". If without meeting, I get so paranoid, what would have happened if we met.

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