Wednesday 14 November 2012

So, basically what I did was I glued this Forever Heart
So, I reconnected with her. And let me tell you straight. It was no big deal, it was not an affair full of surprises but a very obvious and silent affair, not literally because it was Diwali a day before and everything was so full of noises specially Mukesh bursting crackers long after everyone went to their respective rooms except Bhanu who was still persuading me to sleep with him.

I called her up after a gap of four months. It took time to dial in the digits because last time when I got acquainted with that ugly phase, I deleted her number. 
 [but wait I shouldn't call that incident an ugly phase coz as far as I can remember the following day, it is the only day which I spent in a very routined way, morning breakfast, attending all the classes and issuing books from the library and going to bed right after dinner]
and I had to look into previous files and folders to look for her number. I called her up but all I heard was a busy tone and then I tried about for three times straight but the same thing happened.
And then after waiting for 10 to 15 mins, I called her again and this time she was on the other end.

The network was fucked up and hence our conversation was small, really really small but it was relaxing. It was like I was carrying this huge burden on my back and I disposed off all that encumbrance today.
I can't be angry with a person for too long as I figure out soon enough that whatever situation arises, there is some contribution of me too. The sooner I figure out, the quicker my anger sublimes. Therefore, though I talked to her today but that doesn't mean that I was angry all the way long. In fact I spitted out all the frustration and craziness right after two or three days and in these months, I even wished for her well being during every festival we came across. But I was abstaining myself from talking mainly because of two reasons. Firstly, I was looking for a beautiful just like a stereotypical Indian, waiting for a muhurt. :P. And secondly, I was testing myself that whether or not I can conquer myself. During the past one year, she became my habit and right after all these things happened, the initial days were very difficult and that was the prime reason, why I had to delete her digits. "Na rahega baans na bajegi bansuri". Since, I was trying to get away from her, my messaging habit got dull. But after about a month, everything became fine. I was no longer a love lorn. I got steering in my hands and now when I'm sure that I won't loose control, giving ride to person won't prove to be my doom rather it'd be a friendly gesture.

"Jinki manzille ek hoti hai, wo aksar raastein mein hi milte hai"

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