Friday 8 February 2013

Why Rose?

"Why Rose? Why? You're so stupid. Why did you do that?" Jack scolded Rose, but there was pride in his eyes. Pride screaming loudly that, "Love brought his Love from the rescuing boat".

This scene from Titanic  comes to my mind as soon as I read the title but right now,  I'm talking about Rose the common noun, and not the proper noun. Here I'd like to talk about Rose- the flower.

7th of February, a week before Valentine's Day.

People celebrate this day as Rose Day as a starting indication that "Valentine's Week" is here again. As a part of the celebration, I shared an old photo from my digital album on Facebook wishing everyone.

The photo to your right was clicked back when I was in Kota. It was during that time when I developed fondness for Photography and my prime motivation were these Flowers. They taught me that Popularity and Fame is for few days only and then people forget about you, but then those days are worth living for. The sense of Pride and Love that you receive for such a short duration is worth a Lifetime and the hard work that we put into, as plants put their efforts in reproducing such beautiful flowers is worth putting effort into.

As the day was about to end and I was carefully tucked in my blanket, I thought, Why Rose?

Why is that of all the flowers in the world, Rose gets the privilege to be associated with Love. The thing that intrigued me even more was this is not some recent phenomenon rather it has been here right from the time to which written history can date back to.

Here are the few reasons that I lay in support.

Roses are Beautiful, yes they are but then there are many flowers that are beautiful.

Roses are Seasonal (which makes people admire them more because they can't find it around themselves at all times) Still there are few cactus flower which live for only a day. They are even more seasonal, aren't they?

Botany too doesn't provide us with any sharp answer to this question as there is nothing very special about growing Rose.

Multi-layered Petals (which shows that Love can't be understood easily) But then there is Chrysanthemum  which got even more number of petals and it is very beautiful at the same time.

Singularly Coloured (which shows Love is Pure) This category is easy to beat out as many examples would turn up.

There are many flowers which would fulfil all the five conditions, but we have only one winner in the end. We're still missing on one point.

Thorns - Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, thorns.
Love isn't Love if it hasn't been through rough patch.
It's not Love when you haven't face hardship together.
It's not Love, when it hasn't made you cry.
It's not Love, when it hasn't hurt you.

Thorns are inevitable part of Rose which is there to remind us of all the difficulties and obstacle that lie ahead of us or have been crossed while we pursue this path.

This last condition reduces us to only one winner and i.e., Rose.

A very happy Valentine's Week to everyone.

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