Friday, 3 October 2014

I'll name my Daughter after my Ex

Why would I do so, you ask.

Because I still remember the butterflies in my stomach when I was about to see you for the first time. I have a similar anticipation to meet her.

My relationship is very good right now. In fact Sophie is the one I'm going to have a daughter with, something you were never ready for but with her it's less fighting and less arguing. Our Love is strong. I am proud to say that. We understand each other without saying things. But with my daughter I have to be a child once again. Your absence made me very matured and now it's your name that will come back and make me a child once again. May be that's why she have to have your name.

I'll get troubled when she won't pick up my phone or answer to my text, something that always happened with you. But with Sophie, we allow each other's personal space and we don't need to explain why one of us were late or couldn't pick up the phone but with my daughter, I'd want to know each and every thing.

Because she'll forget the things I'll do for her and yet I won't mind. 

Because you're still stuck in the back of my mind somewhere. I do remember you and it always starts with good memories but when I have nothing to do, the good starts lead to bad endings and I end up being sad. Your name will thereafter pick all those stories from bad endings and lead to a good one, and this good would be better than the beginning. 

Because everything I do with Sophie is nothing but a Deja-vu. I enjoy her company, I really do but it's just that I have done it already. With her everything would be new, so, it has to be you. It has to be your name.

Because, I'll love her immensely. I'll love her like a madman. I'll be ready to give up my life for her anytime and yet she'll leave me one day.

Your name will give me strength to do that and then, it won't be something new. It'd be a Deja-Vu.

This is purely a work of fiction. The writer has written it in first person to have a better dramatic effect. It has nothing to do with anyone's personal life as per writer's knowledge.