Sunday, 20 January 2013

Mann Mera

My friends introduced me to this song and frankly telling it was a bad idea to listen to this.
I spent my half of the year planning that I'd start fresh in the new year, I never thought that my new year blog will start with this

You bind your heart in iron chain and put it in the coffin,
Then with the same hands which once held her hand you nail the last nail.
So, that the next time when you wake, you wake in a world, where your decisions are made by your brain (and not by your heart).
So, that the next time you go to the seas, you sail an easy sail.

You think you got over her by writing a Good Bye letter and doing what you thought was necessary

But that 'crazy son of a bitch' still beats in there,
It beats in there with burning love and melts the iron chain.
The chain melts but you're assured that the coffin won't break (for it is buried deep beneath the ground).

What you forget is that all it needs is a little flare.

Then one day, a spark comes, in some crazy form.
It can be a song that describes your love,
It can be an act of simple kindness,
Or, it can be all of the above.

Then with the same arrow that once pierced that heart, it fights all the nail.
With the same strength, it once did love, it breaks the wooden shell.

And comes out drippin' with Blood,
it comes out drippin' with Love

It comes out as tears in your eyes.

This song brought back the days

Mann Mera by Gajnedra Verma